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Birthday Cake Dilemma

"Your cake is delicious, Kate!" "Aw thank you, I'll take your word for it!" Okay, so I didn't actually say that, but I was in a position where I could have. Allow me to explain: The Back Story: I decided about a year and a half ago to stop eating meat, dairy and eggs. I had recently learned of animal agriculture's substantial contribution to climate change, deforestation, and pollution. I decided that I would try for a few months to diminish my environmental impact by abstaining from animal products, and quickly decided that my experiment would become a permanent dietary change. I also began to learn about the health benefits of adopting a plant based diet, which made abstaining from animal products even easier for me than it was before. In spite of this, it took me several months before I gave in and accepted the label "vegan." I didn't want my lifestyle decision to influence how I related to people, or the perception that I gav...

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